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Sebastian Sieber

The most anticipated and awaited feature is here 🎉 Custom columns for Dynamics 365 Project Operations

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project Operations has already been available since October 2020. And since the first day, I heard the same request over and over again

"Looks great, but can we customize the columns here for this project plan view?"

This project plan view is the Project for the Web integration and covers default, hardcoded columns only. Until now. 👀

Enterprise Custom Columns

Rolling out right now to all tenants globally, the most anticipated and awaited feature since the launch of Dynamics 365 Project Operations, is the support of custom columns.

Users will have the option to include custom-created fields from the Project Task Dataverse table within their project plan.

In this first version, it's a view-only option for the following types:

  • Date only

  • Choice (excluding Yes/No fields)

  • Number*

  • Text

*Whole number option for Numbers didn't work during my initial tests but will be patched soon for sure

How to add custom fields to the Project plan

To leverage your custom fields within the Project plan, select the Task tab on the Project to access the grid plan.

Open Task Plan

Scroll all the way to the right of your already set columns and click + Add column

Via More you access all the custom fields created for the Project Task within your organization.

add custom columns to your grid in project operations

This includes fields created within this organization and imported through managed solutions / 3rd party apps.

Select your custom fields

Select the fields you like to display and return back to the grid plan.

custom fields

During my testing, the Conditional coloring feature was available for date and number fields

custom fields and conditional coloring

When adding custom columns to a project plan, they stick with that project. For a new project, you would need to add them once again, which allows you to define the focus and context for each project individually.

For more information please visit the Microsoft Learn documentation


A long-awaited functionality is finally available in Project Operations. I'm soo happy to see it!

For sure it is just the first step, as we're missing some field types and of course, the option to make changes to these custom fields.

But we can already set up more individual plans and introduce more custom and client-specific insights for the project task plans!

Custom Project Plan


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